Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cindy's Family Pics

I took the Bee family pictures last week. I love taking photos outdoors, but I never know where to go. I love Murray Park, but so do about 15 other photographers when you go there during "golden hour". It's annoying because there are always people in the background. Cindy knew of this great place. She even recognized it from photos done by Mar Del. They were shocked that she knew where it was. We decided to check it out. The colors were great and she dressed her family perfectly for it. Her kids are a great age because they will listen to what I ask, even if not very willing. We took them out for Golden Corral after so they weren't complaining.


val said...

great job. i love the individual shots too.
i think i'm going to go with the d90! i'm excited to upgrade!

Megan said...

WOW! I LOVE that color scheme! Good job on the photos, Nick! One day you can do my family! Oh, and I LOVE your new and improved blog! Looks great!

Cynthia said...

Yeah! I love them. Thank you so much for all your hard work on these. If only we could photoshop about 50 pounds off me- they'd be perfect. Fake. But perfect.

I can't wait to get them up on my wall. I might even manage to get out Christmas cards this year! I said might.