Wednesday, January 19, 2011

St. George in January, aaaah

Greg went to St. George all week for work. We love to go visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Springer there so I decided to pack up the kids and head down there too. It was a little crazy doing all the packing and loading. It took a lot longer than I expected, but the kids were a big help. I was nervous about the drive, but they did surprisingly well. Especially Tyson and he DOES NOT like being restrained. It wasn't as warm as it usually is in January. The snow on the mountains was pretty against the red rock. But it was still warmer than home and sunny.

We usually just hang out and go for walks, but this time, I wanted to do a small hike with the kids. They are old enough for some adventures now. I looked on line and found Snow Canyon State Park. I was surprised that it was only a 15 minute drive and yet we had never been there before. We went on the Jenny's Canyon hike. It is only 0.5 miles round trip and perfect for kids. The kids kept grabbing handfuls of sand along the path. As we neared the red rock formations, Preston discovered his echo.

I love red rock and the way the wind and rain carve out spaces. The kids were fascinated. I got this great shot of all three of them. Great because no one is crying which is what usually happens when I put them all together for a photo.

The hike is a slot canyon that ends rather quickly. There was an area the kids could climb up in that was kind of a cave. They loved that. Tyson just wanted to go to the end and hang out there. I haven't really been in a slot canyon. Now I want to explore Zion's and find other hikes.

I took this shot in the cave area. How I wish I had taken my tripod. Still not bad though for being handheld. I love how the light reflects off of the walls.

Preston poses for a shot with mom. I had to have some proof that I was on this trip too! I usually don't get many pictures with me in them.

Next we went over to the sand dunes. It was a small hike to get to, but the kids loved it. They took off their shoes and ran through the sand. The sand was cool and the sun hot. I was actually wishing for shorts mid-day. I think the high was about 57. I love this picture of Tyson tromping through the dune.

We had fun running down the hill. Tyson would run until he lost control and fell. I'd pick him up and he would keep on going, then fall on purpose because he knew it made us laugh. He is the comedian and a little thrill-seeker.

A close-up of the last shot. Note the sand springing from his head as he face plants.

The time at Grandma's was great too. We had a good visit and relaxed. We took the kids' rollerblades to help them learn. Paige loved rollerblading with me. I haven't worn those things since college. She liked to hold my hand and roll down the hill onto the grass.

Preston plays football with Great Grandpa Springer.

The kids loved to cuddle and got a lot of special time.

There is an awesome playground up the street. Everything there spins and uses a person's own momentum. The kids had to test everything out. We played there for quite awhile. The things Greg and Preston are sitting in spin. You have to lean back and then forward to get them going, then you get cruising. I got so sick. I miss being able to do that stuff. How old am I again?

My attempt to get a picture of the kids with the Springers. I am grateful that they can have these opportunities to spend time with their great grandparents. It was so special going to San Diego with them last year. I love visiting St. George. The sun was a welcome change. Coming home to the cold was not so fun.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

What an awesome time! It's so fun to get away. The things Preston and Greg are spinning in look fun but my big ol'e butt would probably get stuck if I tried it!