I normally work just two days a week and have found it to be a great balance. This last three weeks I've picked up some extra shifts and ended up full-time last week. I discovered that there are a lot of little things I take for granted about simply being at home. For instance, I actually WANTED to be at home cleaning my house. It drove me nuts that I didn't have time for my weekly routine. I like having three days to get my laundry done instead of one. I missed my kids a ton. Preston asked me if I hate going to work. I told him no, I just don't like leaving you. I found myself even more determined to spend quality time with my kids in the time that I had with them.
Now that I'm back to my regular schedule again, it is nice to just be at home. I am a bit overwhelmed by how behind I am, but I don't mind so much because I'm with my cute kids.
Speaking of cute kids. I had the following conversation with Preston last night. We had just eaten dinner so I was full. I was standing there and he walked up and put his hand on my stomach.
Preston:"Mommy, why is your belly big like that?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Preston as he is rubbing my belly:"It looks like you have a baby in there!"
I looked at Greg and said "I think it's time to tell them" Luckily that day will come tomorrow after we hopefully find out the gender of this little one. I am surprised that Preston is so observant but I think it is because his babysitter just had a baby.
Paige is so funny too. She has three particular things she is a little obsessed with right now: bouncy balls (but don' t bounce them), sandwich bags, and the color pink. She loves to hold the little bouncy balls in her fist or put them in her pockets. She gets upset when her pants don't have pockets. Anytime she gets a treat or has a toy or anything, she goes to the bag drawer and has to put it in a bag. I can't believe she knows the color pink. She can pick out anything that is pink and got real excited when I brought home her pink princess sheets for her bed.
All these little things that they do are so fun. I don't want to forget them. I don't want to breeze passed this precious time with them. I know I will miss them being this young and innocent. I may not miss them fighting and hitting, but I'll miss cuddling at night and reading books to them. I don't even want to think about them growing up on me.
I am excited to see how they react to the baby. Paige loves babies, but will probably be jealous of all the attention. Preston should be easy going about it. He loved Paige from the first day and never acted up. I am so excited to find out what I'm having. For the first time, I don't have a clue on names though. Both of my kids had names by the ultrasound. We'll see what grabs us.